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Results for: "vacuum" and "packing" and "machine"
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Bid Type Language / Subject
0SellPorous boardskinboard skin pack boardcardbaord paper board skin pack
... 1. Superior porosity property to ensure perfect and fast skin packing via vacuum suction within 4-7 seconds on the skin packaging machine. 2. Offering str... follows: 1. Superior porosity property to ensure perfect and fast skin packing via vacuum suction within 4-7 seconds on the skin packaging machine. 2. O... ...t skin packing via vacuum suction within 4-7 seconds on the skin packaging machine. 2. Offering strong and long-standing adhesion onto various types of skin...

Posted on: 2025-01-03 from China - Guangdong
  Plastics & Rubbers
0SellToilet soap machine, Washing soap machine, Soap packing machine
...oap which includes saponification equipment, mixing agitator, roller mill, vacuum plodder, stamping machine, as well as wrapping machine, packing machine an... Toilet soap machine, Washing soap machine, Soap packing machine, Saponification equipment, This line is used for producing toilet... Toilet soap machine, Washing soap machine, Soap packing machine, Saponification equipment, This line is used for producing toilet soap, w...

Posted on: 2020-06-16 from China - Zhejiang
  Industrial Supplies
0SellVacuum Packaging Machine
Vacuum Packaging – Packaging of fresh food to retain freshness Foods benefit fro... ...r nitrogen atmosphere and provides a barrier to oxygen. Appropriate vacuum packing prevents food deterioration and results in quality foods with long shelf l... ...and rigid packaging. The representative industrial food vacuum packaging machines includes thermoforming vacuum packaging machine, modified atmosphere pack...

Posted on: 2020-01-07 from China - Shandong
0SellAutomatic packing machine with vacuum and shaping packing scale
...ick bag, pillow bag, rolling bag, full and semi automatic packing machine, vacuum packing machine, weighting machine, powder packing machine for food, etc ... Supper for packing machine for brick bag, pillow bag, rolling bag, full and semi automatic pa... Supper for packing machine for brick bag, pillow bag, rolling bag, full and semi automatic packing ma...

Posted on: 2019-09-05 from China - Hubei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. All... ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. All of our ... ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-11-04 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. Pa... ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. Packaging ... ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-10-26 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-10-08 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-09-20 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-08-30 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-08-26 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-08-24 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-08-15 from China - Hebei
0SellDrum Tomato Paste are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more dry. ...year, there are 9 production line in factory. 3. We only use the advanced machine: VACUUM PACKING MACHINE, so the goods will be more concentrated and more d...

Posted on: 2016-08-02 from China - Hebei
0SellAutomatic Food Thermoforming Vacuum Packing Machine
Summary: DLZ-420 full-automatic continuous stretching vacuum food packing machine is applicable for plastics-plastics, paper-plastics a... Summary: DLZ-420 full-automatic continuous stretching vacuum food packing machine is applicable for plastics-plastics, paper-plastics and stiff-plas... Summary: DLZ-420 full-automatic continuous stretching vacuum food packing machine is applicable for plastics-plastics, paper-plastics and stiff-plastic pack...

Posted on: 2015-07-20 from China - Zhejiang
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellVacuum automatic oil seal&packing leather trimming machine
...pplication: There are all kinds of skeletons. No skeleton various cup seal machine, compression, all round, not gripping the rubber and software products ...

Posted on: 2014-12-23 from China - Jiangsu
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellSoap machine, soap packing machine, Saponification equipment
...oap which includes saponification equipment, mixing agitator, roller mill, vacuum plodder, stamping machine, as well as wrapping machine, packing machine an... ...oller mill, vacuum plodder, stamping machine, as well as wrapping machine, packing machine and other relevant facilities. We supply soap machinery, they inc... ...fication equipment, mixing agitator, roller mill, vacuum plodder, stamping machine, as well as wrapping machine, packing machine and other relevant facilitie...

Posted on: 2014-08-15 from China - Zhejiang
  Industrial Supplies
0SellOffer blister/packing machines
PS fast food box vacuum forming machine is an all-powerful thermal forming machine with integratio... PS fast food box vacuum forming machine is an all-powerful thermal forming machine with integration of vacuum forming Press forming and synthetical forming. ...

Posted on: 2014-08-19 from China - Shandong
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellShandong provincefoam polystyrene container for packing foodsupplier
...ruding process, vesicant is injected at high pressure. 2.Fully automatic vacuum forming machine integrate forming and cutting off at the same time. It is ... Shandong provincefoam polystyrene container for packing foodsupplier Fast Food Container Making Machine 1.PS Foam Sheet Extrus... ...polystyrene container for packing foodsupplier Fast Food Container Making Machine 1.PS Foam Sheet Extrusion Line: PS foam sheet machine adopts Gentian ...

Posted on: 2014-01-08 from China - Shandong
0SellGood qualityPs Foam Fast Food Container Making Machinefor packing food
...ruding process, vesicant is injected at high pressure. 2.Fully automatic vacuum forming machine integrate forming and cutting off at the same time. It is ... Good qualityPs Foam Fast Food Container Making Machinefor packing foodmanufacturer Fast Food Container Making Machine 1.PS Foam Sheet Ex... Good qualityPs Foam Fast Food Container Making Machinefor packing foodmanufacturer Fast Food Container Making Machine 1.PS Fo...

Posted on: 2013-12-30 from China - Shandong
0SellHaiyuan Brand, foam polystyrene lunch box making machinery fast food b
...r production line, including three machine, ps foam sheet extrusion line, vacuum forming machine and cutting machine 2.material --general purpose polystyr... ...uan Brand, foam polystyrene lunch box making machinery fast food box, for packing food, manufacturer, foam polystyrene lunch box making machine foa... Haiyuan Brand, foam polystyrene lunch box making machinery fast food box, for packing food, manufacturer, foam polystyrene lunch b...

Posted on: 2013-12-21 from China - Shandong
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