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Results for: "vacuum" and "dewatering" and "system"
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0SellManufacturer of Transformer Oil Filtration System
VTP Vacuum Transformer Oil Filtration System can satisfy the installation or maintena... ...Oil Filtration System combines oil precision filtering, high efficiency of dewatering, degassing, vacuum stereo evaporation technology and automation control te... VTP Vacuum Transformer Oil Filtration System can satisfy the installation or maintenance field of transformer for pumpi...

Posted on: 2018-06-29 from China - Chongqing
  Energy & Environment
0SellWaste Transformer Oil Filtration Systems the normal operation of electrical equipment and avoid accidents. DVTP vacuum Waste Transformer Oil Filtration Systems combines precise filter elements,... ...sformer Oil Filtration Systems combines precise filter elements, efficient dewatering, degassing, vacuum evaporation stereoscopic technology and automation cont... DVTP double stages Waste Transformer Oil Filtration Systems can quickly remove water, gas, impurities from insulating oil and reduce ...

Posted on: 2018-02-23 from Korea, South - Ch'ungch'ong-namdo
  Energy & Environment
Korea, South
0SellMulti-Funciton Contaminated Lubricant Oil Filtering Plant
...ified again. 2. Dehydration: the combination of coalescing separetion and vacuum dewatering can can thoroughly remove the liquid water, free water and trac... ...gain. 2. Dehydration: the combination of coalescing separetion and vacuum dewatering can can thoroughly remove the liquid water, free water and trace water. 3... ...nd so on) 4. Refining: More deeply and precisely FH rectangular filtering system completely remove the impurities from the oil. Competitive Advantages T...

Posted on: 2015-12-18 from China - Chongqing
  Industrial Supplies
0SellUnqualified Vacuum Lube Oil Recycling Machine
...ified again. 2. Dehydration: the combination of coalescing separetion and vacuum dewatering can can thoroughly remove the liquid water, free water and trac... ...gain. 2. Dehydration: the combination of coalescing separetion and vacuum dewatering can can thoroughly remove the liquid water, free water and trace water. 3... ...nd so on) 4. Refining: More deeply and precisely FH rectangular filtering system completely remove the impurities from the oil. Competitive Advantages T...

Posted on: 2015-12-18 from China - Chongqing
  Industrial Supplies
0SellSingle-Stage Vacuum Aged Insulation Oil Reconditioning System
...g the oil dielectric strength and printing out teh result. 4, Work as the vacuum oiling machine or vacuum dying machine to the power equipment, Like transf... ...inductor oil, switch oil etc. What does this machine do? 1. Effectively dewatering and degassing with help of Bi-infrared liquid Duplex 3D stereo-evaporation...

Posted on: 2015-12-14 from China - Chongqing
  Industrial Supplies
0SellHotselling Automatic operation process Used Transformer Oil Purifier
...; it can also work with the oil regeneration system 6. It can work as the vacuum oiling machine or vacuum drying machine to the power equipment, like trans... ... Features 1. Bi-infrared liquid Duplex 3D stereo-evaporation technology, dewatering and degassing effectively. 2. Distinctive removing the impurities technol... ...ut the mechanical power. 3. Bi-infrared liquid level automatic controller system 4. Trinity inter locked preventive device 5. It can work independently; ...

Posted on: 2015-11-10 from China - Chongqing
  Industrial Supplies
0SellMultifunction High Quality Vacuum Transformer Oil Purication Machine
Multifunction High Quality Vacuum Transformer Oil Purication Machine, is effective in particles refining, va... ...plex-Stereo film evaporation technology, combined with unique and advanced dewatering, degassing components, can rapidly and effectively separate water, gas fro... ... ultra-high ol purification standard. Features 1. Double-stage vacuum system, strong power of vacuum evacuating, ultimate vacuum value ≤ 5Pa. 2. Two...

Posted on: 2015-11-10 from China - Chongqing
  Industrial Supplies
0SellDielectric Oil Purifier, Oil Purification, Oil Cleaning, Oil Recondition
Series ZY high efficiency vacuum dielectric oil purifier, mainly for the power station, industrial and mini... ...plex-Stereo film evaporation technology, combined with unique and advanced dewatering, degassing components, can rapidly and effectively separate water, gas fro... ...ctively separate water, gas from oil. 2. Multi-stage precision filtration system, mesh filtration combined with molecular adsorption technologies 3. Effic...

Posted on: 2012-02-10 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellInsulation Oil Filter Machine, Insulating Oil Cleaning Treatment
Series ZY high efficiency vacuum transformer/insulation oil filter device is single vacuum separation filte... ... device has duplex-Stereo film evaporation technology, unique and advanced dewatering, degassing components, which can remove water, trace water, gas, particles... ...insulation oil filter machine. Features: 1.Adopts interlocked protective system, which connect oil pump, heater and liquid level sensor, avoiding blank he...

Posted on: 2012-02-10 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellRemove water and gas from transformer oil with ZYD vacuum dehydration
...ex-Stereo film evaporation technology, combined with unique and advanced dewatering, degassing components, can rapidly and effectively separate water, gas f... ...ively separate water, gas from oil. 2. Multi-stage precision filtration system, mesh filtration combined with molecular adsorption technologies 3. Eff...

Posted on: 2012-05-08 from Switzerland - Fribourg
  Energy & Environment
0SellCircuit Breaker Oil Purifier, Capacitor Oil Purification, Oil Recycling
Vacuum oil purifier device is single vacuum separation filtering machine, which mainly for the power station, industri... ... device has duplex-Stereo film evaporation technology, unique and advanced dewatering, degassing components, which can remove water, trace water, gas, particles... ...tional oil filtration machine. Features: 1.Adopts interlocked protective system, which connect oil pump, heater and liquid level sensor, avoiding blank he...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellVacuum Hydraulic Oil Purifier, Oil Purification, Oil Filtration Recycle
Application: Series TYA vacuum lube oil purifier is mainly for purifying unqualified lubricating oil, hyd... ... polymer materials as filter medium with the functions of broken emulsion, dewatering, removing particles 3.Duplex-Stereo film evaporation technology, equips w... structure, large capacity for holding particles, Multi-stage filtration system to ensure high filtration precision. 2. Special polymer materials as filt...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellVacuum Oil Water Separator, Oily Water Separation Machine
TPM vacuum oil water separator is specially for separating water for oil, it adopts v... ...rmity, less power consumption, safe, and reliable. 3. Unique and advanced dewatering System. 4. Adopts interlocked protective system, which connect ... manufacturing, railway etc. Machine Features: 1. TPM vacuum filtration system adopts the vacuum distillation technology to remove water, odor, alcohol a...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellLubricating/Lubrication/Lube Oil Purifier, Oil Filtration, oil Recycling
Series TYA vacuum lube oil purifier is mainly for purifying unqualified lubricating oil, hyd... ... polymer materials as filter medium with the functions of broken emulsion, dewatering, removing particles 3.Duplex-Stereo film evaporation technology, equips w... structure, large capacity for holding particles, Multi-stage filtration system to ensure high filtration precision. 2. Special polymer materials as filt...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellInsulation Oil Filtration System, Oil Treatment Cleaning Dehydration
Series ZY high efficiency vacuum insulating oil purifier, mainly for the power station, industrial and mini... ...plex-Stereo film evaporation technology, combined with unique and advanced dewatering, degassing components, can rapidly and effectively separate water, gas fro... ...ctively separate water, gas from oil. 2. Multi-stage precision filtration system, mesh filtration combined with molecular adsorption technologies 3. Effic...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellHydraulic Oil Purifier, Oil Filtration, Oil Purification, Oil Treatment
...l treatment, hydraulic oil treatment, lube oil treatment etc. Series TYA vacuum lube oil purifier is mainly for purifying unqualified lubricating oil, hyd... ... polymer materials as filter medium with the functions of broken emulsion, dewatering, removing particles structure, large capacity for holding particles, Multi-stage filtration system to ensure high filtration precision. 2. Special polymer materials as filt...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellCar Oil Purifier, Oil Purification, Oil Treatment, Oil Filtration
Series TYA vacuum lube oil purifier is mainly for purifying unqualified lubricating oil, hyd... ... polymer materials as filter medium with the functions of broken emulsion, dewatering, removing particles 3.Duplex-Stereo film evaporation technology, equips w... structure, large capacity for holding particles, Multi-stage filtration system to ensure high filtration precision. 2. Special polymer materials as filt...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellIndustry Hydraulic Oil Filtration Machine, Oil Recycling, Oil Treatment
Series TYA high vacuum lubricant oil filtration machine is mainly for filtering lube oil, hydraul... ... polymer materials as filter medium with the functions of broken emulsion, dewatering, removing particles ... fine filter. Large capacity for holding particles, Multi-stage filtration system to ensure high filtration precision. 2. Special polymer materials as filt...

Posted on: 2011-11-24 from US - Texas
  Energy & Environment
0SellTransformer oil purifier, vacuum dehydration system
...ex-Stereo film evaporation technology, combined with unique and advanced dewatering, degassing components, can rapidly and effectively separate water, gas... ...ively separate water, gas from oil. 2. Multi-stage precision filtration system, mesh filtration combined with molecular adsorption technologies 3. Eff...

Posted on: 2012-01-03 from Taiwan - Chiayi
  Energy & Environment
0SellInsulating Transformer Oil Vacuum Filtration System
1.Besides the common vacuum oil purifier's function of dewatering, degassing and eliminating part... 1.Besides the common vacuum oil purifier's function of dewatering, degassing and eliminating particles, this machine can regenerate the... ...gic Controller). 3. Unique vacuum dehydration, degassifier, regeneration system, adopt stereo-evaporation t echnology, high efficiently remove water, ...

Posted on: 2011-06-02 from Australia - New South Wales
  Energy & Environment
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