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20 Import Export Trade Leads found that match your criteria.
Results for: "sand" and "stone" and "powder"
Showing results from 1 to 20.
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0SellNon-autoclaved Aerated Concrete Brick Machine Foam Mixer
...uniquely designed to mix foam agent with other materials, such as fly ash, sand, cement, etc. It can ensure the accuracy of the amount of raw materials, a... ...with cement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam... ...ement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam mixer ...

Posted on: 2016-04-22 from China - Henan
0SellFoam Concrete Brick Machine Foam Mixer
...uniquely designed to mix foam agent with other materials, such as fly ash, sand, cement, etc. It can ensure the accuracy of the amount of raw materials, a... ...with cement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam... ...ement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam mixer ...

Posted on: 2016-04-22 from China - Henan
0SellCLC Block Machine Foam Mixer
...uniquely designed to mix foam agent with other materials, such as fly ash, sand, cement, etc. It can ensure the accuracy of the amount of raw materials, a... ...with cement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam... ...ement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam mixer ...

Posted on: 2016-04-22 from China - Henan
0SellBrick Making Machine Foam Mixer
...uniquely designed to mix foam agent with other materials, such as fly ash, sand, cement, etc. It can ensure the accuracy of the amount of raw materials, a... ...with cement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam... ...ement is available to the foam mixer, such as sand, fly ash, cement, stone powder, slag, industrial waste, construction waste etc. So the use of foam mixer ...

Posted on: 2016-04-22 from China - Henan
0SellXSD Sand Washer for sale
XSD Seriessand washer is a high-efficiency sand washing equipment adopting wheel-like structure, which works with sand mak... ...heel-like structure, which works with sand making machine. It can wash the stone powder and impurity from the mixed sand that made by sand making machine, ... ...ike structure, which works with sand making machine. It can wash the stone powder and impurity from the mixed sand that made by sand making machine, which c...

Posted on: 2014-04-17 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellRoller Crusher for sale, Double roll crusher
...ctory materials, chemical materials and so on. For example, to make silica sand from quartz or silica stone; crush iron ore into fine powder for iron ore ... ...aterials and so on. For example, to make silica sand from quartz or silica stone; crush iron ore into fine powder for iron ore beneficiation; to make machi... ... to make silica sand from quartz or silica stone; crush iron ore into fine powder for iron ore beneficiation; to make machine-made sand from cobblestone or ...

Posted on: 2014-04-17 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellFused Brown Aluminum Oxide
... W: 1#-63# Attention: F: for the consolidation abrasive and sand blasting P: for coated abrasives W: for the powder eg: W40, tha... ...asive: Produce ceramic gring wheel, resinoid gringding wheel, Grinding stone, Gringing block, sand paper, sand cloth, sand belt, polish wax, abrasiv... ... abrasive and sand blasting P: for coated abrasives W: for the powder eg: W40, that is 320# 3. Application 1) Abrasive: Produ...

Posted on: 2013-08-15 from China - Hebei
0SellCement Foam Insulation Board Production Line
...tion decoration. 3. Materials: Stone powder (fly ash, construction waste, sand, etc), plant fiber, inorganic environmental adhesives, reinforcing materia... ...high-grade factory for external wall insulation decoration. 3. Materials: Stone powder (fly ash, construction waste, sand, etc), plant fiber, inorganic en... ...rade factory for external wall insulation decoration. 3. Materials: Stone powder (fly ash, construction waste, sand, etc), plant fiber, inorganic environme...

Posted on: 2013-12-23 from China - Sichuan
0SellSand Washer
XS high efficiency sand washing machine is necessary sand washing product auxiliary equipment for sand making machine, with wh... ... equipment for sand making machine, with wheel structure. It can remove stone powder and impurity away from the mixed sands produced by sand makin... ...ment for sand making machine, with wheel structure. It can remove stone powder and impurity away from the mixed sands produced by sand making machi...

Posted on: 2013-04-10 from China - Shandong
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellSand Washing Machine/Sand Washing Machine Manufacturer
The Sand Washing machine is a necessary equipment in Eco- friendly sand production line. It features as below: 1. Simple structure. The bearin... machine: There is little loss for medium- sized and fine sand and stone powder. From this page, you can get the Lime Kiln, Ball Mill, Sand Wa... ...chine: There is little loss for medium- sized and fine sand and stone powder. From this page, you can get the Lime Kiln, Ball Mill, Sand Washing M...

Posted on: 2013-05-17 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellSupply of Industrial minerals
...on stones, Garnet, Barite, Limestone, Grey stones [all varieties], Silicon sand, Asbestos powder, Rock phosphate, etc. - All in LUMPS form. ...: Quartz [green, white, glassy, milky], Dolomite, white dolomite, Crystal stone, Blue moon stones, Garnet, Barite, Limestone, Grey stones [all varieties],..., Barite, Limestone, Grey stones [all varieties], Silicon sand, Asbestos powder, Rock phosphate, etc. - All in LUMPS form.

Posted on: 2012-11-16 from India - Tamil Nadu
  Industrial Supplies
0SellEco-friendly cement brick machine
...%. Other raw materials can be stone powder, slag, coal gangue, fly ash, sand, river sand, construction waste, industrial waste (like water slag, st... ...brick, normally, cement content is 10%-15%. Other raw materials can be stone powder, slag, coal gangue, fly ash, sand, river sand, construction wast... ... normally, cement content is 10%-15%. Other raw materials can be stone powder, slag, coal gangue, fly ash, sand, river sand, construction waste, indu...

Posted on: 2012-07-20 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellQT4-20 semi-automatic concrete brick machine all kinds of construction waste material, cinder, fly ash, concrete, sand, river sand, stone powder and a small amount of cement as raw material... ...nstruction waste material, cinder, fly ash, concrete, sand, river sand, stone powder and a small amount of cement as raw materials, concrete brick m... ...tion waste material, cinder, fly ash, concrete, sand, river sand, stone powder and a small amount of cement as raw materials, concrete brick machine ...

Posted on: 2012-07-16 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellWarmly Welcomed Block Making Machine
Raw materials: Block making machine can use river sand, sand, blast furnace slag, coal gangue, fly ash, construction waste, stone po... ...nd, sand, blast furnace slag, coal gangue, fly ash, construction waste, stone powder, cement, etc as raw materials, making solid and hollow blocks. ... ...nd, blast furnace slag, coal gangue, fly ash, construction waste, stone powder, cement, etc as raw materials, making solid and hollow blocks. Advan...

Posted on: 2012-07-15 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellSell Gypsum, Mica, Dolomite, Limestone, Kaolin, Bentonite
...BLE M1A Emboss, Emboss M1c, GRAPHICS micronized, FOUNDRY <a BOARD, SAND WASHING DOUBLE, SAND coated, silicate SODIU. rn3. OTHER MAINERALE NE... ...L, BLUE AM 90, BLUE micronized WOOD & IND Paints, Benton Granulate, limestone MACINE INDUSTRY FERROUS and oil, IND CHEMICAL, talc micronized talc ... ...rble, lead ore, mosaic, or plywood BUILDING STONE, MARMURA. CARBUNE powder, natural mineral water, mineral ETCrnPENTRU OR ANY OTHER REQUESTS DO ...

Posted on: 2012-01-16 from Romania - Bucuresti
  Mineral Products
0Biz. Op.Sales mineral products/romania
...BLE M1A Emboss, Emboss M1c, GRAPHICS micronized, FOUNDRY <a BOARD, SAND WASHING DOUBLE, SAND coated, silicate SODIU. rn3. OTHER MAINERALE NE... ...L, BLUE AM 90, BLUE micronized WOOD & IND Paints, Benton Granulate, limestone MACINE INDUSTRY FERROUS and oil, IND CHEMICAL, talc micronized talc ... ...rble, lead ore, mosaic, or plywood BUILDING STONE, MARMURA. CARBUNE powder, natural mineral water, mineral ETCrnPENTRU OR ANY OTHER REQUESTS DO ...

Posted on: 2012-01-12 from Romania - Bucuresti
0SellRotary Kiln
...nd aluminum hydroxide in aluminum manufacturer; for claiming of chrome sand ore and chrome powder ore in chemical plant. 2. Rotary kiln with ISO9... ...iciency rotary kiln 3. Low energy consumption 4. Easy Contral 5. Lime stone kiln 6.Metallurgy kiln 7.Hematite limonite 8. Rotary calcination liln f... aluminum manufacturer; for claiming of chrome sand ore and chrome powder ore in chemical plant. 2. Rotary kiln with ISO9001 certificate 1.Ad...

Posted on: 2012-01-04 from China - Jiangsu
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellUnburned brick production line equipment manufact
...eavy Machinery Co., Ltd. Henan Shaolin unburned equipment, primarily using sand, slag, slag, fly ash, stone powder, coal gangue, slag, construction waste ... ...nan Shaolin unburned equipment, primarily using sand, slag, slag, fly ash, stone powder, coal gangue, slag, construction waste and other materials to suppr... ...aolin unburned equipment, primarily using sand, slag, slag, fly ash, stone powder, coal gangue, slag, construction waste and other materials to suppress unb...

Posted on: 2011-08-03 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellSand Stone Washer
...mpany launched international advanced level cleaning equipment, called XSD Sand Washing Machine. It depends on domestic and overseas similar equipment exp... ...g style equipment to match sand making machine. It can reduce the dust and stone powder which mix with the final sand so that Sand Washing Machine can impr... ...e equipment to match sand making machine. It can reduce the dust and stone powder which mix with the final sand so that Sand Washing Machine can improve the...

Posted on: 2011-03-24 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellBrick making machine
... Raw materials: Wet ash, Dry ash, Mixed ash, Nature gangue, Stone powder, Sand, Tailing, Volcano residue, Steel residue, Calcium carbide residue, Water Q... ...ed challenges. Raw materials: Wet ash, Dry ash, Mixed ash, Nature gangue, Stone powder, Sand, Tailing, Volcano residue, Steel residue, Calcium carbide res... ...llenges. Raw materials: Wet ash, Dry ash, Mixed ash, Nature gangue, Stone powder, Sand, Tailing, Volcano residue, Steel residue, Calcium carbide residue, W...

Posted on: 2015-11-12 from China - Liaoning
  ConstructionFerwise Company Limited  
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