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18 Import Export Trade Leads found that match your criteria.
Results for: "hydrogen" and "water" and "generator"
Showing results from 1 to 18.
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Bid Type Language / Subject
0SellAcrylic flame polisher
... polishing machine, is a portable gas generator producing mixed oxygen and hydrogen gases cheaply from distilled water. The mixes gases can not only give an e... ...generator producing mixed oxygen and hydrogen gases cheaply from distilled water. The mixes gases can not only give an extremely hot flame with temperature... ...ic flame polisher, also named acrylic polishing machine, is a portable gas generator producing mixed oxygen and hydrogen gases cheaply from distilled water. Th...

Posted on: 2018-09-18 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellGold melting machine
Gold melting machine (oxyhydrogen melting machine), also named oxyhydrogen melting machine and hydrogen oxygen gas generator, produces mixed hydrogen... ...mixed hydrogen and oxygen gases automatically only through electrolysis of water. The flame size can be adjusted by fitting different copper torch tips or ... ...g machine), also named oxyhydrogen melting machine and hydrogen oxygen gas generator, produces mixed hydrogen and oxygen gases automatically only through elect...

Posted on: 2018-09-18 from China - Henan
  Stone, Glass & Jewelry
0SellMicro flame polisher-105T with 100 liter/hour hho gases output
...g tank: 1 size: 44 cm × 31 cm × 54 cm weight: 12 kg If interested in hydrogen oxygen gas generator, please contact us directly: webs: www. sofinemaking... ... of micro flame polisher include: a.power (gas output) adjusting valve b.water-lacking alarm c.Flashback arrestor can be cleaned, even jammed d.Damper... ... cm × 31 cm × 54 cm weight: 12 kg If interested in hydrogen oxygen gas generator, please contact us directly: webs: www. sofinemaking. com Email: sofinem...

Posted on: 2018-09-18 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellOxyhydrogen generator
Oxyhydrogen generator, also named hydrogen oxygen gas generator and brown gas generator, is acknowledged as an extrem... is only produced as required. model: 405T gas output: 400 liter/hour water consumption: 120 milliliter/hour power rating: 1200 w/hour power supply:... Oxyhydrogen generator, also named hydrogen oxygen gas generator and brown gas generator, is acknowledged as an extremely safe, reliable an...

Posted on: 2018-09-18 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellModels of hydrogen oxygen gas generator from 100 L/H to 600 L/H output
Hydrogen oxygen gas generator makes its own hydrogen oxygen gases from water (Electrolysis of water produces mixed hydrogen oxy... Hydrogen oxygen gas generator makes its own hydrogen oxygen gases from water (Electrolysis of water produces mixed hydrogen oxygen gases) and burns the... Hydrogen oxygen gas generator makes its own hydrogen oxygen gases from water (Electrolysis of water prod...

Posted on: 2018-09-18 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellMicro flame welder-205T
...o named water welding machine, is a portable gas generator producing mixed hydrogen and oxygen gases cheaply from electrolysis of water. The mixed gases can n... Micro flame welder, also named water welding machine, is a portable gas generator producing mixed hydrogen and ... Micro flame welder, also named water welding machine, is a portable gas generator producing mixed hydrogen and oxygen gases cheaply from electrolysis of wat...

Posted on: 2018-09-18 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellMicro flame generator
Micro flame generator, also named oxyhydrogen flame polisher and polishing machine, is a portable gas generator producin... ...generator producing mixed oxygen and hydrogen gases cheaply from distilled water. The mixes gases can not only give an extremely hot flame with temperature... Micro flame generator, also named oxyhydrogen flame polisher and polishing machine, is a portabl...

Posted on: 2018-08-04 from China - Henan
  Energy & Environment
0SellHydrogen flame generator-305T with 300 liter/hour hho gases output
New functions of hydrogen flame generator include: 1.power (gas output) adjusting valve 2.water-la... ...hydrogen flame generator include: 1.power (gas output) adjusting valve 2.water-lacking alarm 3.Flashback arrestor can be cleaned, even jammed 4.Damper... New functions of hydrogen flame generator include: 1.power (gas output) adjusting valve 2.water-lacking alarm 3....

Posted on: 2018-08-04 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellHydrogen oxygen gas generator
Hydrogen oxygen gas generator, also named oxyhydrogen gas generator and water welding machine, is acknowledged as an extremely s... Hydrogen oxygen gas generator, also named oxyhydrogen gas generator and water welding machine, is acknowledged as an extremely safe, reliable and cost e... Hydrogen oxygen gas generator, also named oxyhydrogen gas generator and water welding machine, is acknowledged as an extremely safe, reliable ...

Posted on: 2018-06-02 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellWater welding machine
Water welding machine, also named oxyhydrogen welding machine and water welder, is a portable gas generator producing mi... Water welding machine, also named oxyhydrogen welding machine and water welder, is a portable gas generator producing mixed hydrogen and oxygen ga... ...also named oxyhydrogen welding machine and water welder, is a portable gas generator producing mixed hydrogen and oxygen gases cheaply from electrolysis of wat...

Posted on: 2018-06-02 from China - Henan
  Energy & Environment
0SellMulti-functions applications of oxyhydrogen gas generator
Oxyhydrogen gas generator, also named micro flame generator or hydrogen oxygen gas generator, is a high performance gas-generating soldering unit ... ...ical supply, hydrogen and oxygen gases are produced by the electrolysis of water. The mixed gases are passed through a gas atomizer and delivered to single... Oxyhydrogen gas generator, also named micro flame generator or hydrogen oxygen gas generator, is a high performance gas-generating sol...

Posted on: 2018-06-02 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellOHMASA-GAS business oppo, JAPAN
...ling licenses (from $10M to $50M+) to produce and distribute this new safe hydrogen gas (internationally patented) made from water and 100% environment friend... ...distribute this new safe hydrogen gas (internationally patented) made from water and 100% environment friendly. This breakthrough product has been featured... ... featured on Japan's NHK global TV news. License is perpetual and includes generator, all peripheral devices, installation and training at destination country....

Posted on: 2012-10-29 from Japan - Hyogo
  Energy & EnvironmentGo Communications  
Top Member - Become a Top Member Japan
0SellAir cooler
...air cooler is applied to cooling circular high-temperature gas (air or hydrogen) resulted from thermal losses in the operation of generator. Its des... ... design pressure is no more than 4.0 Mpa (marine) or 1.0 Mpa (land) on water side, design temperature of cooling water inlet is no more than 32T... ...gas (air or hydrogen) resulted from thermal losses in the operation of generator. Its design pressure is no more than 4.0 Mpa (marine) or 1.0 Mpa (land...

Posted on: 2012-05-21 from China - Hubei
  Industrial Supplies
0Sell2.QL Series Hydrogen Generator High pressure type
2QL Series Hydrogen Generator High pressure type 1.Features: 1.No longer need to use dangero... ...alarm, overpressure alarm, hydrogen permeation alarm, hydrogen leak alarm, water accumulated alarm, water overfall alarm, water shortage alarm, oxygen perm... 2QL Series Hydrogen Generator High pressure type 1.Features: 1.No longer need to use dangerous and exp...

Posted on: 2012-03-21 from China - Shandong
  Energy & Environment
0SellHydrogen generator
We supply kinds of hydrogen gas generators, flow rate from 150ml/min to 34L/min. SPE, PEM technology a... ..., flow rate from 150ml/min to 34L/min. SPE, PEM technology and traditional water electrolysis technology. our company profesionally supply kinds of gas g... We supply kinds of hydrogen gas generators, flow rate from 150ml/min to 34L/min. SPE, PEM technology and traditional...

Posted on: 2011-08-09 from China - Shandong
  Energy & Environment
0SellHydrogen Generator for Cars and Trucks
This is, hands down, the most advanced technology Hydrogen System on the market! ONLY $1,500 Make you car run on water! Actual Dim... ...echnology Hydrogen System on the market! ONLY $1,500 Make you car run on water! Actual Dimension of the Hydrogen Black Box is: 2" deep x 4.5" wide x 7" ... ... is 4" deep x 8.5" wide x 7" tall We offer this new technology Hydrogen Generator to our customers at the lowest price in the industry. This unit works be...

Posted on: 2012-01-07 from US - California
0SellHydrogen gas generator used in laboratory, 150ml/min, 300ml/min, 500ml
...rator Introduction: SPE/PEM technology (proton exchange membrane) "Pure Water" only, no chemical (KOH, NaOH) USA "Dupont" PEM membrane. Start from yea... H2 generator Introduction: SPE/PEM technology (proton exchange membrane) "Pure Water...

Posted on: 2010-10-21 from China - Shandong
0SellHydrogen generator for automobile car truck water booster gas saver
Hydrogen Generator For Auto Car/ Truck As Fuel Saver Our generator is 6-16 electr... Hydrogen Generator For Auto Car/ Truck As Fuel Saver Our generator is 6-16 electrode-sets (6-16 cells), very efficient !!! It consumes onl...

Posted on: 2011-06-17 from China - Shandong
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