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22 Import Export Trade Leads found that match your criteria.
Results for: "charcoal" and "briquette" and "machine"
Showing results from 1 to 20.
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Bid Type Language / Subject
0SellCharcoal Fines Roller Press Machine
Introduction: BBQ charcoal fines roller press machine is mainly used to briquette charcoal leftover, ... Introduction: BBQ charcoal fines roller press machine is mainly used to briquette charcoal leftover, small pieces of charcoal, charcoal waste, etc. and make... Introduction: BBQ charcoal fines roller press machine is mainly used to briquette charcoal leftover, small pieces of charcoal, c...

Posted on: 2019-12-24 from China - Henan
0SellCharcoal Briquette Machine/Wood Briquette Machine/Wood Charcoal Machin
Skytars Charcoal Briquette Machine models have: 50 model, 60 model, 70 model and 80 model, ... Skytars Charcoal Briquette Machine models have: 50 model, 60 model, 70 model and 80 model, also we ca... Skytars Charcoal Briquette Machine models have: 50 model, 60 model, 70 model and 80 model, also we can manufa...

Posted on: 2016-05-19 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellSawdust Briquette Machine/Charcoal Briquetting Machine
...ouble-end Charcoal Briquette Machine technical characters: 1, Double-end Charcoal Briquette Machine has lower power but higher production and easier operati... Double-end Charcoal Briquette Machine technical characters: 1, Double-end Charcoal Briquette Machine h... Double-end Charcoal Briquette Machine technical characters: 1, Double-end Charcoal Briquette Machine has lower...

Posted on: 2016-05-19 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellCost-effective High-efficiency pulverized coal briquetting machine
...s the powder into the briquettes directly. it suit for the Alumimum powder charcoal, coal, clay, coking coal etc. for this, it can be reduce the dust, re cycl... We are Henan zhongzhou Briquette Machinery Plant, a manufacturer specialized in produce mining machinery, m... We are Henan zhongzhou Briquette Machinery Plant, a manufacturer specialized in produce mining machinery, metallurg...

Posted on: 2015-08-29 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellReliable supplier charcoal briquette machine
Introduction of charcoal briquette machine Charcoal briquette machine is widely applied to produce powdered charcoal and fine ... Introduction of charcoal briquette machine Charcoal briquette machine is widely applied to produce powdered charcoal and fine charcoal b... Introduction of charcoal briquette machine Charcoal briquette machine is widely applied to produce powdered charcoal and fine charcoal balls, Th...

Posted on: 2015-08-16 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellNew style professional Reliable supplier carbon briquette machine
...igh volume can be increasingly difficult and expensive to dispose of. Like charcoal, coal dust, material chips, aluminum even the charcoal. When they be briqu... General Description and Benefits: A high quality carbon briquette machine requires extensive technical knowledge, many years of experience i... General Description and Benefits: A high quality carbon briquette machine requires extensive technical knowledge, many years of experience in machin...

Posted on: 2015-08-14 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellLatest technology Low price high efficient coal briquette machine
...icient coal briquette machine: (1).Coal powder/coal fine/coal dust (2).Charcoal powder/charcoal fine/charcoal dust (3).Gypsum/Desulfurization Gypsum/qui... 1.Introduction of High efficient coal briquette machine: High efficient coal briquette machine is an equipment which can ... 1.Introduction of High efficient coal briquette machine: High efficient coal briquette machine is an equipment which can press va...

Posted on: 2015-08-14 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellNew style professional Low price High pressure briquette machine
...High pressure briquette machine: High pressure briquette machin can press charcoal powder, charcoal dust, coal powder, etc into ball or pillow-shaped charcoa... 1.The features of High pressure briquette machine: 1. high volume of production 2. various kinds of standard (depe... 1.The features of High pressure briquette machine: 1. high volume of production 2. various kinds of standard (depend on th...

Posted on: 2015-08-14 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellEnvironmental protection Small Investment charcoal briquette machine
1.Introduction: Zhongzhou versatility of briquette machine is coal forming process equipment, which provide corresponding pat... 1.Introduction: Zhongzhou versatility of briquette machine is coal forming process equipment, which provide corresponding pattern die...

Posted on: 2015-08-13 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellMachines for sale Best performance charcoal dust briquette machine
1.Simple introduction of charcoal dust briquette machine: Zhongzhou series Briquette machine, mainly used t... ....Simple introduction of charcoal dust briquette machine: Zhongzhou series Briquette machine, mainly used to suppress difficult molding powder materials, chara... 1.Simple introduction of charcoal dust briquette machine: Zhongzhou series Briquette machine, mainly used to suppress difficult mo...

Posted on: 2015-08-13 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellSmall Investment charcoal powder ball making machine metallic mine powder 2. Coal powder, Coke powder, Lignite, etc, 3. Charcoal powder, fireproof materials, Desulfurization gypsum, Dolomite, etc. 4.De... ...ulfurization gypsum, Dolomite, etc. 4.Description of output: The output briquette is in high quality and strong (not easy broken) that won't be broken when ... ...avy Indusry Technology Co. Ltd which a manufacturer and exporter of mining machinery, metallurgical equipment in China. Our main products are crusher,, dryer...

Posted on: 2015-08-13 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellMachines for sale Latest technology charcoal powder briquette machine
1.Brief introduction of charcoal powder briquette machine: Charcoal powder briquette machine is mainly used to suppress charcoal powder, toner... ....Brief introduction of charcoal powder briquette machine: Charcoal powder briquette machine is mainly used to suppress charcoal powder, toner, coke toner, bam... 1.Brief introduction of charcoal powder briquette machine: Charcoal powder briquette machine is mainly used to suppress charcoal po...

Posted on: 2015-08-11 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellBriquette machine materials moisture requires:
... pellet: aluminum scrap, activated carbon, alumina, bauxite, caustic soda, charcoal, clay, coke breeze, coal, cryolite, limestone, etc. The purpose is to redu... Briquetting plant for sale is a kind equipment press powder material to briquette. Briquette machine with widely application, can press the following materi... ...for sale is a kind equipment press powder material to briquette. Briquette machine with widely application, can press the following material to briquette or ...

Posted on: 2015-10-14 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellHot saling charcoal briquette machine maker
Charcoal briquette machine can press the coal, charcoal powder into briquettes, the final shape can be round, square, pillow, etc.... Charcoal briquette machine can press the coal, charcoal powder into briquettes, the final shape can be round, square, pillow, etc. We can customized the... Charcoal briquette machine can press the coal, charcoal powder into briquettes, the final shape can b...

Posted on: 2014-12-09 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellCharcoal powder forming machine
Jiuxin Charcoal Powder Forming Machine is a kind of auxiliary equipment to produce cha... ... charcoal stick by using charcoal powder, coal dust. Charcoal powder briquette machine can produce the charcoal products with different shapes and si... Jiuxin Charcoal Powder Forming Machine is a kind of auxiliary equipment to produce charcoal products. The fun...

Posted on: 2013-07-10 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellDry powder pressing machine
...ications: 1.high efficienty 2.apply for many kinds of powder like charcoal, coal, mineral, metal. etc 3.make round type or pillow type The applica... ...ctively service life of the press roller. The features of dry powder briquette machine: 1.the products after pressing have the features of high densit... Dry powder pressing machine Specifications: 1.high efficienty 2.apply for many kinds of powder...

Posted on: 2013-07-10 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellWood Crusher
...arge demand on wood sawdust for making wood pellets, biomass briquette and charcoal, wood crusher is becoming a hot potato either in private woodchip business... ...s there is a large demand on wood sawdust for making wood pellets, biomass briquette and charcoal, wood crusher is becoming a hot potato either in private wood... ...ocess thus saving much labor and energy. 2.To ensure safe processing, the machine adopts self-feeding method and avoids any possible damage when metal piece...

Posted on: 2013-02-15 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellCharcoal Briquette Machine
Charcoal Briquette Machine Introduction Charcoal briquette machine is the main equipment to make solid fuel with biomass ma... Charcoal Briquette Machine Introduction Charcoal briquette machine is the main equipment to make solid fuel with biomass material suc... Charcoal Briquette Machine Introduction Charcoal briquette machine is the main equipment to make solid fuel with biomass material such as woo...

Posted on: 2013-02-15 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellCharcoal Making Machine
...quette machine The FM briquette machines widely apply to produce coal or charcoal briquettes which can be used to burn boilers. The shape of products and ca... FM-I powder briquette machine The FM briquette machines widely apply to produce coal or charcoal briquettes which can be ... FM-I powder briquette machine The FM briquette machines widely apply to produce coal or charcoal briquettes which can be used to ...

Posted on: 2012-03-30 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellBriquetting Press
...quette machine The FM briquette machines widely apply to produce coal or charcoal briquettes which can be used to burn boilers. The shape of products and ca... FM-II powder briquette machine The FM briquette machines widely apply to produce coal or charcoal briquettes which can be ... FM-II powder briquette machine The FM briquette machines widely apply to produce coal or charcoal briquettes which can be used to ...

Posted on: 2012-03-30 from China - Henan
  Machinery & Electronics
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sawdust charcoal briquette machine
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