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No Logo | Fairy Horticulture China Ltd. We grow a huge assortment of bonsai trees. The varieties include: Ficus, Zelkova, Carmona, Murraya, Sagarethia, Serissa, Ligustrum, Buxus, Zanthoxylum, Punica, Podocarpus, Juniper, Pinus etc. Each year, over 50 containers of potted bonsai plant are e... Main Products & Services we Sell: ficus, zelkova, carmona, murraya, sagarethia, plant, bonsai, zanthoxylum, tree. Member since 3 January, 2006, China - Guangdong | | | No Logo | Xin Can Group Company Ltd Our company is main export all kinds of virsecenses trees, and palm tree; bonsai; cactus; garden; landscaping; babmoo; tree; shrub; Fruit tree; cycas revolute; Phoenix; livistonia; Roystonea; Rhapis; Yucca; Delonix, Cassia; Ficus; Termina... Main Products & Services we Sell: bonsai rhapis excelsa washingtonia yucca elephantipes schefflera, cactus erythrina crista landscape garden bonsai shrub flower ourtdoor, flower myrciaria cauliflora paeonia suffructicosa seed ananas citrus, garden phoenix roebelenii hyophorbe lagenicaulis phoenix sylvestris, landscape indoor plant palm pachira yucca zamia zamioculcas lucky bamb, palm pandanus utilis jatropha podagrica erythrina crista delonix, plant dracaena reflexa carmona murraya podocarpus pinus ulmus, shrub fruit, tree loropetalum lagerstroemia zanthoxylum odorum lxora scindapsus. Member since 1 November, 2010, China - Guangdong | | | No Logo | Wild Organic Exports Main Products & Services we Sell: soap nuts, soap nuts powder, soap nuts liquid, wool dryer balls, cordyceps sinensis, neem powder, shikakai powder, wild honey, zanthoxylum alatum. Member since 23 February, 2015, Nepal - Bagmati | | |
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