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Eastup Industry Limited |
EASTUP INDUSTRY LIMITED is set up at 2001. The area of the manufactory is 80000 sqm, it has more than 600 staffs, including 80 technicians. Our company is equipped with advanced tyres equipment and technology. The brand of the main products are EAST, GOTO, MARSHALL, EASTONE which includes five systems and more than 40 kinds of tyres, such as OTR tyres, HEAVY DUTY TRUCK tyres, LIGHT TRUCK tyres, Minicars tyres and Agricultural tyres, Industrial tyres. It can produce more than 800,000sets each year, and the total export output has reached more than 80X40HC per month. Main Products & Services we Sell: off the road tyre, truck tyre, bus tyre, agricultural tyre, forklift tyre, industrial tyre, tractor tyre. Main Products & Services we Buy: tyre. |
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Contact Person: |
Richard Yan |
Job Title: |
Sales Manager |
Location: |
China - Shandong Companies from China Trade Leads from China Products from China |
Classification(s): | Automobile - Wheel & Tyre |
Primary Business Type(s): |
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