We are one of the recognised electric fencing companies in our country, Malawi with the well trained, organised and intelligent personnel in the fields of new installation of: Free Stand Electric Fences, Top Wall Electric Fences, Repair of Energisers {electric fence power units} and electrifying all electric fence faults. In this field of electric fencing we normaly use the following materials: Braided wires, High Tension Cables (HT cabls), compression springs, Hooks, Fellures, DC sirens, Bobins, Brakets, Red strokes and many more. We are at our best, responsible and 24/hours available for back up. New installation is serviced for six months without pay. We are asking companies, hospitals, govertmental departments, farms, game reserves and national parks, offices, shops and home owners to call us for quotations and it will pays you much. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST. GOD BLESS. Main Products & Services we Sell: new installation, draided wires, hooks, energisers, nylon bobins, ferrellows, ht cables, tension springs, dc serins. Main Products & Services we Buy: new installation, braided wires, hooks, maintenance, ht cables, ferrullows, energisers, tention springs, dv serins. |