Fulvic Acid "the missing link"
Because of its wide spectrum of action, it is difficult to say exactly how Fulvic Acid performs its miracles. However, exhaustive scientific studies have proven its power. You are about to discover the most potent form of Fulvic Acid. You will learn how this is the end product of a life of research from a team of scientists who are completely dedicated to saving Mother Earth and all of her life forms. According to the Water Quality Association, Fulvic Acid is a "water-soluble, natural, organic substance of low molecular weight, often found in surface water." It is one of several subclasses of Humic Acids that arise from complex mixtures of partially decomposed organic materials. In other words, Humic Acids are biological compounds created by Mother Earth. These composites were originally deposited by pristine, ancient forests and compacted and transformed over millions of years, waiting to be reuse. Main Products & Services we Sell: minerals, humus, fulvic acid, humic acid, fungicide, soil builders, organic fertilizers, special blends, nutrients. Main Products & Services we Buy: seeds, fertilizers, suocu, n, ca, mg, p, si, zeolite. |