A company based in cyprus under the guidance of a team of engineers, economists and lawyers expert in wind and solar energy and generally renewable energy systems. Import, study, construction, maintenance and financial analysis of energy projects. The sectors of investment are Photovoltaic systems, Wind energy systems (large/commecial, small), Solar systems, Biomass, Geothermal, landfill and sewage waste utilization systems and desalination using RES. Also involved in energy conservation (in existing enterprises, co-generation of electricity-heating/cooling), or co-generation of electricity-heating/cooling
Business Type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer, publisher, consultant, contractor
Product Types: photovoltaic systems, biomass energy systems, geothermal energy systems, cogeneration systems, wind energy systems (small, Large/commercial), hydro energy systems (small), photovoltaic cells
Service Types: Studies, construction, turn-key projects, maintenance
Main Products & Services we Sell: photovoltaic, solar panels, wind turbines, energy, electricity, biomass, desalination, co-generation, energy conversation. Main Products & Services we Buy: photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, biomass burners, biomass generators, solar panels, exchangers, geothermal heat pumps. |