First at all, thank you very much for your interested in our products. As you see our stuffs are variety. We have 2 factories, located in Lampang, the heart land of handmade ceramic and porcelain in Thailand.
Chupra co.,LTD, started since 1993, specializes in handmade, hand painted and glazed ceramics with our own designed :- oil burners for essential oil, candle holders, table wares and decorative items.
Kam Saen Kong Co.,LTD, started since 1990 (in named “Dhaka Hand’craft”) specializes in exquisitely handformed handmade, hand painted our own designed miniatures, souvenirs and women accessories such as necklaces, bracelets, ring etc. (made from many kinds of materials :- artificial clay, polymer clay, porcelain,) We Also have our own shop “Papachu” Soi 8/1, section 17 in Jatujak -the biggest weekend market in the world- Bangkok
Main Products & Services we Sell: miniatures, accessories, ceramic-handcraft, cardholders, jewellery, spa-accessories, keyholders, dollhouse-accessories, decoratives. Main Products & Services we Buy: polymer clay, beads. |