I would like to introduce to my company, Thank you for stopping by and see of what I have to offer. I would like for to go into my website above and look to see of what I have to offer you. However I have to offer many other things as well of Solar and clean energy. The website I have above is a stepping stone for my country and the world but for now I want to put technology on hold and worried about the products we deal with. Clothing, fuel oil, cooking oil or shampoo products & other. I feel the need to help the Traders and suppliers to push their products to help soot the needs of the public of any Country. We have come a long way in technology and now this is the time to show others of what the benefits. for the new technology. Thank you for viewing my profile and taking the time to reads this forum. Remember my Favorite saying (Focus on the customer not the Technology) Main Products & Services we Sell: solar technology, medical, clotheing, cooking oil, hygene products, oil, food, cleaning supplies, travel. Main Products & Services we Buy: cooking oil, food, solar technology, shampoo, soap, cleaning supplies, clotheing, travel, medical supplies. |