We SELL FACTORIES from Advanced & Emerging Countries. We also ACTIVELY SEARCH & FIND BUYERS of FACTORIES-especializing in EMERGING Countries on a Door to Door Basis, using Business Connections & the Internet employing a variety of methods including Mergers & Acquisitions, Expanded Factory Sales, Turnkey Sales, Negotiated Sales, Webcast Auction, On-line Auction, Equipment Exchanges & Live Auctions. We have offices in Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, India & Indonesia. Further expansions through Joint Ventures and Alliances are being sought in all Emerging countries in Central & South America,E Europe, Africa & Asia. We currently have over 320,000 companies in our database. We are an investment banking/auction company hybrid and PACKAGE each Factory Transactions on a custom made basis combining all assets, asset classes to make a Factory Takeover possible for Buyers. Our goal is to get the BEST Prices for both Buyer and Seller which can only be made possible through our methods and systems. |