A W Deals, Inc. is one of the largest brokerages of closeouts goods in the country. Our program is quite simple.
1.) Send samples, brochures, etc. and the normal retail and wholesale for each item. Give us an idea of what you need to get out of your items. Unlike conventional closeout companies, we are not looking to pay pennies on the dollar. Not having to move and warehouse your goods allows us to pay what you need (or get close to it).
2.) We will take your samples; our art department will make our own brochures; our salesmen will call, e-mail, drive and fly to buyers in our customer base to sell your merchandise at no cost to you.
3.) We then, will issue our own purchase orders to your company with our customers name and shipping address with shipping instructions. No, we don’t hide our customer from you.
A W Deals, Inc. will supply you with as many credit references as you will need to open an account for us. (Our vendors generally give us over $100K) Watch our quiet effectiveness move your merchandise. Main Products & Services we Sell: hba, housewares, domestics, furniture, electronics, toys, luggage, hardware, sporting goods. Main Products & Services we Buy: hba, housewares, domestics, furniture, electronics, toys, luggage, hardware, sporting goods. |