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Mineracao Buriti |
Elson G. de Oliveira, known as BURITI MINERAÇÂO, founded in 1985, has the rights to explore a mine of granulitic-facies metamorphic rocks, which has its economic availability plan approved by the Brazilian department of mineral production – Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral (DNPM). The mine is located at Federal Road BR156, Km 160, in Tracajatuba, district of Tartarugalzinho, State of Amapa, Brazil. The company is certified with environmental and mineral exploitation licenses and it is open for investors in Brazil and abroad.
Mine data: Geographical coordinates: N 01o01’59,2 and W 51o05’54,6
Area: 50 ha. Measured reserves: 35,8 million of tons (12,9 million of m3). Infrastructure: regular water supply, electric energy, lodging, restaurant, office and land leveling.
Production data: Means of transportation: by road, or by road and railroad, to the ports of Santana and ICOMI. Distance between the mine and the ports: 180 Km. |
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Contact Person: |
Nonato Oliveira |
Job Title: |
Administrative |
Location: |
Brazil - Amapa Companies from Brazil Trade Leads from Brazil Products from Brazil |
Classification(s): | Construction - Granite |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Importer / Exporter More Importers / Exporters... |
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