HI TECK INDUSTRIAL LIMITED was newly established in 2013, with headquarter based in Hong Kong China, have operation office in ZHONGSHAN CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, which is a worldwide leader in material supply and engineering service. We have a team of certified and professional engineers with excellent competence in technical skills, knowledge, and experience. With the increase in demand of economic return, living standard, and awareness of environmental protection in the modern society, thermal and acoustic control, and energy saving are growing in importance, we are assured of the best value and safety in all our products and engineering services. We provide quality service to business enterprise and manufacturing customers in supply and source of any kind of acoustic and thermal insulation materials, and a variety of hardware equipments and accessories, and carry out new and maintenance works. Main Products & Services we Sell: calcium silicate, rockwool, ceramic fiber, fiberglass, filament tape, polysurlyn, metal accessories, wire mesh, sheet metal machines. |