Magppie, a design led brand for premium home accessories, was launched in the year 2000. This Indian enterprise is an offshoot of a 30 year old family run business of rolling stainless steel.
Today the brand has achieved international status and enjoys a presence in over 20 countries including Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Greece, Japan, USA, and Australia and so on. After receiving immense recognition in India and global market, the brand has concentrated its efforts on retail and has forayed into opening of exclusive boutiques. Today Magppie has nine such boutiques in India and one in Sydney Australia. Apart from its own retail, Magppie enjoys a presence in over 100 retail locations across 21 cities in India.
In last three consecutive years, Magppie has thrice been awarded the 'Red Dot Design Award', one of the most prestigious international design awards and becomes the First Indian Company to have ever received an award of this repute.
Each Magppie creation Main Products & Services we Sell: tableware, barware, coockware, kitchenware, decor, petware. Main Products & Services we Buy: wallmart, kitchen craft, cretivtops, fordis, jon lewis. |