Cryotherapy (cryochamber/cryosauna) Cryo-therapeutic treatment is the new direction of body regeneration and wellness that is based on exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures. As the body reacts to the cold environment, the immune system is stimulated resulting in improvement of its ability to recognize various health conditions. Procedures have numerous desirable aftereffects both in the short as well as the long term. Starting from faster muscle recovery, recovery after surgical procedures, easing and treatment of chronic pain, to healthier skin complexion, cellulite reduction, improvement of the sleeping pattern, reduction of stress and anxiety. At present, medical treatment with cold in the form of cryo-treatment is experiencing growing support within healthcare, beauty care, fitness training and physiotherapy. Contact us in case of any questions. Main Products & Services we Sell: cryosauna, cryochamber, cryofan, hydromassage, cryo. |