1 Company found that match your criteria. Buyers, Importers, Distributors of defence related raw material Showing results from 1 to 1. |
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Company - Description |
| International Tradeways (Pvt) Limited INTERNATIONAL TRADEWAYS IS A LEADING ORGANIZATION IN PAKISTAN, ESTABLISHED SINCE 1958 AND SERVING THE FOOD, PHARMACEUTICALS, SOAP, COSMETICS, PAINTS & CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES IN PAKISTAN. THANKING ALL OF YOU WHO CLICK OUR PROFILE AND HOPING TO ES... Main Products & Services we Buy: food raw material, pharmaceutical raw material, chemical raw material, defence related raw material, cosmetics related raw material, paints raw material, chemical industrial raw material, soap detergents raw material, petrochemical related raw material. Member since 31 March, 2008, Pakistan - Sindh | | |
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