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B2B - Help - Buyer Help

Welcome to B2B Help - Buyer Help section.

   How can I find new Sellers for the products I am looking for?
There are several ways to find Sellers using B2B
  1. Post a Buy Trade Lead and describe in details the product you are looking to buy. Interested sellers will reply to your Trade Lead and the response will be delivered directly to your e-mail address.
    Link  Post a Buy Trade Leads
  2. Describe your company and your products and briefly list a few products you are buying frequently.
    Link  Add Company Logo / Company Description
  3. Search our database of companies and look for members advertising similar products to what you are looking for. Contact possible partners one by one. There are several ways to search between companies (described below).
    Link  Companies
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  4. Use our powerful TTL (Targeted Trade Leads) and broadcast your buying lead (RFQ - request for quote) to thousands of targeted companies. You can target by geographic location and industry classification.
    Link  Send Targeted Trade Leads
  5. Sign up for Trade Alert. Our members post many Trade Leads every day. Don't waste you time reading all the Trade Leads that are useless to you. Get Trade Leads directly to your Inbox! Sign up for Trade Alert!
    Link  Trade Alert

   How can I improve my response feedback at B2B How can I attract more potential sellers?
Just a few tips:
  1. Make sure you visit B2B every day and post 1-2 Buy Trade Leads.
  2. If you want better exposure of your Buy Trade Leads, use your credits to make them Premium Trade Leads. B2B list thousands of Trade Leads and to get maximum exposure it is very important to list your Trade Lead on the top of other Trade Leads. The first top 20 Premium Trade Leads are also sent out to all opted members. To have your Trade Lead listed on this e-mail, simply bid on your Trade Leads and make sure your bid is high enough to be listed among the top 20.
  3. Use your FREE Business Website we provide.

   Where can I check the responses to my Buy Trade Leads?
  All the responses you get through B2B are automatically forwarded to your E-Mail Address. It is very important to keep your E-Mail Address up to date, otherwise you will not get the responses and may loose a potential Business Partner. Also, if you are using some kind of spam protecting / spam prevention system make sure your mail server can receive mailings from our domain name. The responses are also stored on our database to be accessed later whenever you access your Member Account and click on My Trade Leads or My Products.
    Link  My Trade Leads
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Business Opportunities | Apparel | Beauty | Furniture | Health Care | MP3, DVD, VCD | Shoes | Phones | Sugar | Textile | Wire
References: US Trade Leads - US B2b Marketplace - Top Products - More countries: Browse by Country
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What is TTL? Targeted Trade Leads is a new optional online e-mail service we provide to Wholesale Suppliers on demand. By using this service you can easily send tens, hundreds or even thousands of buy sell offers to importer exporter companies, directly to their Inbox! You can send TTL to Importers Exporters by Industrial Categories.
bearings | chemicals | coffee | fats, oil | food | handicraft | hms | meat | metals | steel | stone, jewelry, gold | urea | vegetable
Step 1: Select country or countries for your targeted buy - sell offers.
Step 2: Select industrial category / categories for your import - export demands.
Step 3: View how many companies will receive it based on your selection.
Step 4: Enter your offer you wish to email to interested suppliers or buyers.
Step 5: Receive confirmation of delivered Targeted Trade Leads by e-mail.
Finally Just expect the replies immediately in your mailbox! Even by phone or fax.

Business Opportunities
US, Canada, UK, China, India, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Australia and New Zealand Companies
Company Directory - Importers & Exporters by Industry: Animal Products, Automobile, Base Metals & Articles, Chemicals, Computers & Software, Construction, Consumer Electronics, Energy & Environment, Fats & Oils, Food, Footwear & Headgears, Health & Beauty, Hides, Leather & Furs, Home Supplies, Industrial Supplies, Machinery & Electronics, Mineral Products, Miscellaneous, Plastics & Rubbers, Services, Stone, Glass & Jewelry, Telecommunications, Textiles, Transportation, Vegetables, Wood

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